Choose between one of these tasks(1 or 2):
1. Record yourself talking about:
- Sell It! Pretend to be a publicist for the book that's just been read. Make a speech that will persuade other people that they should read the book.
- Sales Talk. Give a sales talk, pretending the students in the class are clerks in a bookstore and you want them to push this book.
- Book Talk. Do a book talk. Present it to the class.
- Talk to the class about your book by saying a little about the author, explain who the characters are and explain enough about the beginning of the story so that everyone will undersatnd what they are about to read. Finally, read an exciting, interesting, or amusing passage from your book. Stop reading at a moment that leaves the audience hanging and add "If you want to know more you'll have to read the book." If the book talk is well done almost all the students want to read the book.
Choose one (duration of the speech: 1 or 2 minutes)
2. Write about:
- Write a letter to the author giving your opinion about the book. If you write to an author who is still alive, you might actually mail the letter.
- Lights! Camera! Action! Imagine that you are the author of the book you have just read, write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book into a movie.
- Write a letter to the main character of your book asking questions, protesting a situation, and/or making a complaint and/or a suggestion. This must be done in the correct letter format.
- Write an alternative ending for the story.
Choose one (250 words)
Deadline 1st May.

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