Monday 4 April 2011

John Boyne's interview

'I really work from the heart'

Watch John Boyne's interview. He answers the following questions:

1. Have you been pleased with the public reception to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?
2. How do you feel about the number of translations that have been made of the novel?
3. Could you explain how the novel came about?
4. What was the idea behind the novel’s simple jacket and mysterious cover blurb?
5. Was the fable aspect of the novel integral from the start?
6. How important is the characterisation of Bruno to the effectiveness of the novel as a whole?
7. How did you go about making family life ‘real’ in the novel?
8. If the novel is a fable, what do the characters represent?
9. What would you like readers to take away from the book?
10. What do you see as the writer’s role in relation to human rights?
11. There is a huge wealth of information available about the holocaust, so why choose this subject matter for a work of fiction?
12. How involved have you been in the process of adapting the novel for the screen?
13. Film is a creative process that involces many contributors. How does this compare to working on a novel?
14. Do you see the film as a moving image version of your novel, or do you view it as a separate identity?

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